Network Marketing Opportunity Checklist – Core MLM Points

“Before joining any Network Marketing companies and exploring any home based business opportunity one should properly understand the Basic Checklist for any Network marketing opportunity testing and understand if the recommended business opportunity is worth doing or not. So how can one check if the company your friends or relative showing the MLM business plan is worth and considering as your new part time home based business option for extra income ? as there are many MLM scams and pyramid ponzi schemes operating globally and generally people cannot make out difference between this two..”
Below is the Basic Network Marketing Business Opportunity Checklist to refer before you join any MLM business Opportunity.
1) Check companies website and online internet MLM opportunity forums for background check.
This is one of the best ways to check the opportunity as you don’t have to rely on on your friend or relative for correct information for same. If the company is into true MLM business then it should be following all Direct Selling Rules and people must have written something about same online.
2) Is the company supported with a well established Business System ?
Check for the business system like Daily product flow (Offline/Online), Methods of purchasing, Accounting system, Head Offices and Branch Offices including Product Distribution Centers are in place. A well established Network Marketing company must have all this things settled down with a smooth flow. One can just go around with member friend and check for same.
3) Check if the Opportunity is Local or Global ?
If Multi Level marketing company is best to join when operating globally around the world in many countries which gives member and opportunity to expand and build his Network of People around the world once his business does well locally.
4) Check the Products and Services Company Offers.
Join a company which offers premium and best quality products like FMCG products and also have other day to day usable products which can be easily marketed and which has recurring retail profits. Best products are one which fulfills NEEDS or works as a Solution to a PROBLEM. Best of all if they are Patented and Uniquely offered by you as an distributor.
5) Check the Business Group you are going to Associate with.
Network Marketing Leaders leads by example and has a positive vibrations, They are one of the important persons guiding you towards the business success as their own success depends of people like you in there network. Join them who are ready to Mentor you and help you grow.
6) Check Different revenue options when checking the Business Opportunity Plan.
Money is one of the biggest attractions for which people do this Home based business, So one should properly check the way you make money in the business. Generally you just need to check the commission structure, retail profits and royalty income options.
7) Should be a perfect WIN WIN business opportunity.
Network Marketing is nothing but a pure people business and people who are involved will only help you when they are getting something out of it. If the plan offers the commission structure suitable to Upline and Downline network and are dependent on it, then and then only the system is successful else in the Pyramid type schemes it is something like you invest once and you get always (WHICH NEVER WORKS).
8) Is the business making you a entrepreneur or a sales person only ?
Without a perfect business support system like Britt World Wide is with Amway Business, One will never learn and understand business skills and will end up being a MLM sales person, So check if there are Business tapes of successful people, MLM Books, Videos and Literature’s to support your business. You should get proper MLM training to learn the unique business skills for such home based business option.
9) If you already have a good people network internationally, check how to use the same.
Check for Network Marketing options in Growing Countries like India, China, Russia, Japan, Germany, Singapore, UK, France and Its major cities like Mumbai in India, Tokyo, Thailand, Italy and such.
10) Other Miscellaneous things to DO before and after you join any Network Marketing Opportunity.
This one is just an optional thing which one can do to keep one self updated. Check for Network Marketing Softwares, Tools, Online Forums, News Letters, Jobs, Ways of doing Magnetic Sponsoring via better Prospecting and Sponsoring generating best leads every month by studying other Top MLM Companies. Check also for some Online Business so that you can make money at home. Study some Indian and International companies like USANA, Amway, Oriflame, Avon, RPM, Swadeshi, RCM, Sahara Care House etc. to Understand other Money Making Opportunities available for Residual and Passive Income.