What is Network Marketing Business All About

“Unleashed Income Earning Opportunities Of MLM Business in India and World Wide..Firstly, Let us know What is Network Marketing Business ? and how this marketing business is different from Other traditional Business.
Network marketing, which is also known as ‘Multi-level Marketing’ and ‘Direct Selling Business’ is a people business involved in  ‘Product Retail and Direct Distributors Activities with an additional benefits of building there own down line network after they sign up in any of network marketing business. These people are also known as ‘IBOs’ (Independent Business Owners) which are direct business associates  to the Product Company or the Franchiser company which provides products to market, basically famous in  ‘FMCG (Fast Moving Consumable Goods)’ products.
This IBO’s get this products in ‘DAP (Distributor’s Price)’, which they can sell in MRP to their consumers. This way Network Marketing Companies in India like ( Amway, Avon, HLL, Synergy, Nikken, Modicare and Usana (USA) etc) reaches the consumer which eliminated the middle channels like Whole Sellers, Retailers etc saving expenses, and few of same is distributed among their MLM members.
A business owner can expand its business almost in all states and also internationally to  earn potential royalty income once the business reaches some good position. Definitely one of the best plan to work from home and best home based business opportunity.
MLM Business Networking Opportunities
An IBO distributor here has an unlimited opportunity to increase the network business by getting more distributors in their own network and play a role called ‘Upline’. The new joinee’s are called ‘Downlines’  who are also a same member distributor directly to the Network marketing company. They can do all the activities which and Upline can. This way the business distributor (IBO) can introduce as many people in his network earning direct business commission from the Product Company. The more the people in downline network the more the product consumption in business generating more commission and retail profit income, which once reached some good level gives Royalty (One of the best passive income perk) as distributor enjoys. MLM Business is also sometimes been know as personal Franchising business as everyone has opportunity to introduce a new business distributor who becomes a personal franchisee to upline.
Business & Start Up Cost
MLM is also been famous as one of the high potential home based income earning sources because of the business model it uses. Any house wife or working women, men can start their own part time home business putting in just 12 to 15 hours per week and earn lucrative income if he/she follows the business system and mlm educational tools like mlm books, tapes and other such tools highly recommended for the growth of the business. One also need to attend Network Marketing Meetings, seminars and other functions which motivates and gives business information helping business growth. This way this businesses are one of the famous amoung common people which they can easily operate from home start in lowest cost.
Start up cost of most of the Network Marketing companies are very minimum. In India start up cost of Amway Business is just 995/- rupees, where as in USA and other countries the start up cost is similar low.
Business Activities
Network Marketing Business has vast opportunities doing less work without any restrictions and targets like any other 8 to 10 hours Jobs. An IBO needs to follow a fixed success system, educate one self and repeat same activities again and again which helps expand business and earn high business income. Some MLM activities are as follows :
MLM Four Basics
LIST BUILDING PROCESS : Writing names of all the people you know friends, relatives etc. Details of List Building.
CONTACT AND INVITE PROCESS : Getting people like yourself involved in seeing business plans, Checking interest for this home based business opportunity.
SHOW THE PLAN : This activity involves people to get see the MLM plan. Details on Network Marketing Plan.
FOLLOWUP & START UP :  Where the new business owner gives the start up cost, gets all details on business, products, system and starts on his own business. Details on MLM Follow Up Process.
Business Rules and Education System
Once a IBO is started, he/she needs to follow certain rules and business support system which includes learning and educating one self to show plans, selling products, being accountable, being teachable etc. This activities helps them grow business network and earn good income. MLM business is also famously known as business of DUPLICATION where one Learns, then Teaches and create his own downline, expanding business locally and internationally.

Network Marketing v/s Pyramid Schemes :
Till today lots of people don’t know the difference between the power of NETWORK and PYRAMID SCHEMES, scams and ponzi schemes that are cheating people around the world. Simple to understand, If a MLM business is not a scam, one needs to work little hard to gets its commission income and reach a level to earn royalty and passive income which is exponential in nature. A true network marketing company has some rules set, It has a good supporting education system. The best example of which is Amway business and Britt World Wide company (supporting educational system for entrepreneurs). A real direct selling business has some day to day activities like selling products, terms like DAP MRP margins, network commission, business levels etc. Ethical network businesses are approved by a legal identity in India  called ‘Indian Direct Selling Associations (IDSA)’. Other any business which do not have oneor any of such activities are Non-MLM companies and people need to be aware of such Ponzi Pyramid schemes.
MLM Products :
In the beginning most of the network marketing companies were into FMCG products, basically known as ” Fast Moving Consumable Goods” which includes products categories as Personal care products, Home care products, Health care products, Beauty Products. Since the growth, Demand and quality of MLM products increased, most of the MLM businesses have put there hands into almost all types of products like Life Insurance, Medical Insurance etc which now not limits any distribution segment and give distributors an unlimited potential to earn business commission.