Network Marketing Opportunity Checklist – Core MLM Points

“Before joining any Network Marketing companies and exploring any home based business opportunity one should properly understand the Basic Checklist for any Network marketing opportunity testing and understand if the recommended business opportunity is worth doing or not. So how can one check if the company your friends or relative showing the MLM business plan is worth and considering as your new part time home based business option for extra income ? as there are many MLM scams and pyramid ponzi schemes operating globally and generally people cannot make out difference between this two..”
Below is the Basic Network Marketing Business Opportunity Checklist to refer before you join any MLM business Opportunity.
1) Check companies website and online internet MLM opportunity forums for background check.
This is one of the best ways to check the opportunity as you don’t have to rely on on your friend or relative for correct information for same. If the company is into true MLM business then it should be following all Direct Selling Rules and people must have written something about same online.
2) Is the company supported with a well established Business System ?
Check for the business system like Daily product flow (Offline/Online), Methods of purchasing, Accounting system, Head Offices and Branch Offices including Product Distribution Centers are in place. A well established Network Marketing company must have all this things settled down with a smooth flow. One can just go around with member friend and check for same.
3) Check if the Opportunity is Local or Global ?
If Multi Level marketing company is best to join when operating globally around the world in many countries which gives member and opportunity to expand and build his Network of People around the world once his business does well locally.
4) Check the Products and Services Company Offers.
Join a company which offers premium and best quality products like FMCG products and also have other day to day usable products which can be easily marketed and which has recurring retail profits. Best products are one which fulfills NEEDS or works as a Solution to a PROBLEM. Best of all if they are Patented and Uniquely offered by you as an distributor.
5) Check the Business Group you are going to Associate with.
Network Marketing Leaders leads by example and has a positive vibrations, They are one of the important persons guiding you towards the business success as their own success depends of people like you in there network. Join them who are ready to Mentor you and help you grow.
6) Check Different revenue options when checking the Business Opportunity Plan.
Money is one of the biggest attractions for which people do this Home based business, So one should properly check the way you make money in the business. Generally you just need to check the commission structure, retail profits and royalty income options.
7) Should be a perfect WIN WIN business opportunity.
Network Marketing is nothing but a pure people business and people who are involved will only help you when they are getting something out of it. If the plan offers the commission structure suitable to Upline and Downline network and are dependent on it, then and then only the system is successful else in the Pyramid type schemes it is something like you invest once and you get always (WHICH NEVER WORKS).
8) Is the business making you a entrepreneur or a sales person only ?
Without a perfect business support system like Britt World Wide is with Amway Business, One will never learn and understand business skills and will end up being a MLM sales person, So check if there are Business tapes of successful people, MLM Books, Videos and Literature’s to support your business. You should get proper MLM training to learn the unique business skills for such home based business option.
9) If you already have a good people network internationally, check how to use the same.
Check for Network Marketing options in Growing Countries like India, China, Russia, Japan, Germany, Singapore, UK, France and Its major cities like Mumbai in India, Tokyo, Thailand, Italy and such.
10) Other Miscellaneous things to DO before and after you join any Network Marketing Opportunity.
This one is just an optional thing which one can do to keep one self updated. Check for Network Marketing Softwares, Tools, Online Forums, News Letters, Jobs, Ways of doing Magnetic Sponsoring via better Prospecting and Sponsoring generating best leads every month by studying other Top MLM Companies. Check also for some Online Business so that you can make money at home. Study some Indian and International companies like USANA, Amway, Oriflame, Avon, RPM, Swadeshi, RCM, Sahara Care House etc. to Understand other Money Making Opportunities available for Residual and Passive Income.

Amway – Business For Amway Network Marketing Entrepreneurs -

Amway is one of the most fastest growing network marketing companies in India and around the world with head office at united states located at ‘Ada Michigan’. A global corporation with its parent company named ‘Alticor’ started its mission in 1959 with dreams of two leader and founders of Amway MLM business, Rich Devos and Jay Van Andel with few ideas of Direct selling business opportunities. The dream was kept in mind with few basic principles which any ABO (Amway Business Owner) can achieve, those are FREEDOM, FAMILY, HOPE and REWARDS.
This gave birth to Amway Corporation and ‘Alticor’ which is also know with a name ‘Quixtar Inc’. Since last 45 to 50 years Amway Business is growing in more then 80 countries with Millions of Distributors with their international businesses. Amway has expanded it business process in almost all the countries via its MLM business concept and the most fastest growing countries of those are India, Korea, Japan, China, Singapore, Taiwan etc where lots of people doing part time business and has been accepted as best of Home based business. There are few IBO’s who are doing Network Marketing Business as Full time and earning royalties. Amway targets 1000 Crores in 2008 and coming futures.
Amway started with basic home care products like SA8 which is a laundry product, LOC which is a Liquid Organic Cleaner and such FMCG products. Now in 2008 Amway India and other countries have joint hands with lots of Non Coreline Product companies like Max new york Life, which is for health, insurance and investment products. Current Amway Product List ranges from Health and Nutrition’s products with its famous brand ‘NUTRILITE’ having products like Protein Powder, Berry Blast for children, Glucosomine for arthritis, Multi-Vitamin ‘Daily tablets’, Cal-Mag for Calcium and Magnesium, Iron Folic, Newly introduced Energy drinks, BIO-C for vitamin C, Triple Guard for people have seasonal Allergies etc. Amway also has Quite a good range of Beauty Products called ‘Artistry’ and ‘Attitude’, where as Artistry comes in to costly product range compared to Attitude. Recently Amway has introduced lots of basic beauty products like Lips sticks, nail polish etc. Coming to Home care products and Personal care products its Glister tooth paste, Zoom, Persona Soap, Famous G & H lotion and Body Shampoo etc. Max new york life and Amway India has already introduced Unit Link policies (ULIP) which is managed by Franklin Templeton so covering Insurance Industries also. This is one of the Amway’s new insurance products.
Amway India has recently launched a TV commercial which is famously know as “Mujhe Lamba Karo..Mujhe Patla Karo..” which has a slogan “We Are Listening”.
Leadership level in Amway are quite interesting. People achieving business level of 9% and above are called Amway Leaders which means ABO’s with a good network team. Other famous levels are 12%, 15%, 18%, Silver level, Gold level, Platinum level, Ruby Level, Eagles, Saffaires, Emeralds and Amway Diamonds. Then further it goes to Crown Ambassadors etc.
For distributors to learn, get motivated and share experience Leaders in Amway network often keeps Business Meetings and Seminars. Business Meetings in Amway are of types PASE (Product and System Education), Weekly Open Meetings where uplines, downlines and crosslines meet to see the business plan which is generally shown by someone in Leadership Level. One who knows to and wants to join the business are generally called in this kind of meetings. Open Meetings means open to all distributors, ABO’s and Non Distributors in Business to understand the Network Marketing Business plan and Check the business with some qualified professionals, industrialist etc having recognition rounds. TEAM Meetings is done monthly by IBO’s and ABO’s only for sharing experiences, Recognitions rounds and Sales and Network Building tips. Then there are Business Seminars which are once in some 3 months where the higher pins like Emeralds and Diamond Leaders share there stories (rally session) and gives the broad picture of business and system. Amway Also has a special kind of seminar yearly called FED (Free Enterprise day) which is basically a celebrations for new diamonds in Amway business following with there success stories and teachings.
There are lots of business system which are not part of Amway who provides with informative network marketing tools and a proved success system that works to build MLM business properly. One of such very successful companies are Britt World Wide (BWW), which provides Books, Tapes and Functions and Seminars to Amway people and helps grow the business.
More About Amway Business
  • Business Plan
  • Products
  • Products Retailing Tips
  • APSA-80 Product
  • Pin Levels, Awards and Recognition System
  • List Building
  • Prospecting
  • Follow up
  • Objection Handling
  • FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
  • International Sponsoring
Locations World Wide
Official Websites of Amway are : (Amway Global)
IMPORTANT NOTE : It is highly recommended to visit above official sites of Amway and there products for latest updated information as above information can be not up to date as the day you read this article.

Gifting Diamond Ring – 15 Exciting Ideas and Interesting Ways

Here are some interesting ways to gift diamonds to someone special
  1. Give her a diamond ring at a special dinner for two on Valentine’s Day.
  2. Dress her favorite bottle of perfume with the solitaire ring on Valentine’s Day.
  3. Set out champagne, glasses and roses adorned with a diamond ring.
  4. Hide a diamond ring inside a box of chocolates.
  5. Slip in a diamond ring when she brings the pooja thali around on festivals.
  6. Gift her your Diwali bonus by giving her a diamond ring.
  7. Slip in a diamond ring in her hand while distributing sparkles to the family on Diwali.
  8. At the Diwali card session, ask her if she is feeling lucky and deal her a diamond ring.
  9. Take her out for dinner on your anniversary or on Valentine’s Day. Open a bottle of champagne and slip in a diamond ring into her glass.
  10. Leave a gift-wrapped diamond ring on her dressing table on her birthday.
  11. Surprise her by coming home early from work. Ask her to close her eyes, take her hand and slip on diamond ring.
  12. Give her the handbag she always wanted with a diamond ring inside it.
  13. If you have kids, ask one of them to run to her and to give her the ring, saying it is from a man who refused to disclose his name. Let her know later that the ring is from you.
  14. Prepare a special breakfast for her on your anniversary and place the diamond ring on the tea tray along with flowers.
  15. Take your wife for along drive and ask her to get a cassette out of the glove compartment. When she opens it, the diamond ring could be lying there.
A few exciting creative ideas to gift diamonds to daughters, sisters and mothers
  • Go to your mother’s house on Diwali morning, tell her you love her and gift her a beautiful diamond ring.
  • Your daughter has her birthday coming up. Gift her a diamond ring on the morning of her birthday.
  • Send your mother a box of her favorite sweets. Place a diamond ring along with the sweets.
  • Surprise your mother by landing at her place early one morning before Diwali. Gift her a diamond ring in the folds of her favorite colored sari.
  • At the Diwali card session, ask your sister if she is feeling lucky and deal her a diamond ring.
  • During Diwali, slip a diamond ring in your daughter’s hand while she distributes sparklers to the family.
  • Dress your mother’s favourite bottle of perfume with a diamond ring on her birthday.
  • Gift your mother your Diwali bonus by giving her a diamond ring.

Amway Recognitiona And Distributors Reward Levels

“To be recognized as one of life’s high achievers is a valid and understandable desire. As you begin to build a business of your own, Amway will acknowledge the commitment you make by rewarding you for outstanding efforts.”
Amway Business is proud of its network of successful distributors and has developed a wide range of recognition system. Additionally, as you achieve new levels of recognition, your income will also increase. Distributors who are climbing the first steps of the Amway Success ladder and who comply with all the criteria within the Amway rules of conduct are eligible to receive following Pin Levels for both sponsoring and retailing.
Distributors Recognition Levels and Rewards
The following Amway Pin Levels of achievement are recognized as your business continues to grow. Rewards are calculated on either business groups or legs (Down line Distributors). A distributors business group refers to all distributors sponsored directly or indirectly with his organization, excluding direct distributors and their down lines. A leg consists of a distributor you directly sponsor (also referred as front liner) and all the members down the line to the bottom of the line of sponsorship. The awards for the following levels are presented by Amway.
Silver Producer Level & Recognition.
The Silver Producer level is achieved by accomplishing in one month either :
(a) 10,000 PV (means Point value) business volume.
(b) Personally or foster sponsoring a 21% leg and maintaining 4,000 PV, or
(c) Personally or foster sponsoring two or more 21% legs in one month.
Gold Producer Level & Recognition.
The Gold Producer level is awarded to Distributors who qualify at the silver producer level for any three months in a fiscal 12 month period.
Direct Distributor Or Platinum Level & Recognition.
A Platinum (Direct Distributor) Level is awarded by Amway to distributors who maintain silver producer level for six months within 12 month period, of which three month must be consecutive, and who conduct their business in compliance with the rules of conduct remaining in good standing with the company. This is applicable for the first time qualifiers.
Founder Platinum Level & Recognition.*
A Founder Platinum is one who has attained 12 qualifying months as silver producer level as defined by Amway Business Manual for all 12 months during performance year in market.
Ruby Direct Distributor Level & Recognition.
Awarded by Amway to qualified Direct Distributors for Generating 20,000 or more business group PV during one month (excluding volume of non-qualifying downline direct distributors).
Founders Ruby Level & Recognition.
A Founders Ruby is a qualified platinum who has maintained 20,000 personal Group PV for all 12 months in performance year in market.
Sapphire Pin Level & Recognition.
For direct distributors who have two 21% in-market legs and 4000 award volume with pass-up or three 21% in-market legs in each of six months within the fiscal year.
Founders Sapphire Pin Level & Recognition.
A Founders Sapphire is a qualified platinum who has 2 domestic 21% legs in the same month, for all 12 months in a performance year, while maintaining 4000 personal group PV or has third 21% leg in the absence of 4000 GPV in any month.
Emerald Direct Distributor Level & Recognition.
Awarded by Amway to Direct Distributors who personally, foster or internationally sponsor three legs, each qualifying at the maximum performance incentive level for at least six out of 12 months during the same fiscal year (September 1 to August 31 is the fiscal year cycle in Amway).
Founders Emerald Level & Recognition. *
A Founders emerald is a qualified platinum who has sponsored 3 legs each of which was 21% performance bonus level for all 12 months of performance year.
Diamond Level & Recognition.
For Direct distributors who personally, foster or internationally sponsoring six legs, each qualifying at the maximum performance incentive level for at least six of the twelve months during the same fiscal year (September 1 to August 31). On needs to be Emerald commission recipient in order to qualify.
Founder Diamond Level & Recognition. *
A Founder Diamond is a qualified platinum who has sponsored 6 legs, each of which was at the 21% performance bonus level for all 12 months of the performance year or is a Diamond bonus recipient who has achieved 8 FAA Points.
Executive Diamond Level & Recognition.
An Executive Diamond is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 9 legs, each of which was at the 21% performance bonus level for at least 6 months of the performance year or is a Amway Diamond Bonus Recipient who has achieved 10 FAA Points.
Founder Executive Diamond Level & Recognition. *
A Founder Executive Diamond is a qualified platinum who has sponsored 9 legs, each of which was at the 21% performance bonus level for all 12 Months of the performance year or is a Diamond Bonus Recipient who has achieved 12 FAA Points.
Double Diamond Level & Recognition.
A Double Diamond is a qualified platinum who has sponsored 12 legs, each of which was at 21% performance level for at least 6 months of the performance year or is a Diamond Bonus Recipient who has achieved 14 FAA Points.
Founder Double Diamond Level & Recognition.*
A founder Double Diamond is qualified Platinum who has Sponsored 12 Legs, Each of which was at the 21% performance bonus level for all 12 months of the performance year or is a Diamond Bonus Recipient who has achieved 16 FAA points.
Triple Diamond Level & Recognition.
A Triple Diamond is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 15 legs, each of which was at 21% Performance level for at least 6 months of year or is a Diamond Bonus Recipient who has achieved 18 FAA Points.
Founder Triple Diamond Level & Recognition.*
A Founder Triple Diamond is a qualified platinum sponsored 15 legs and each of which was at 21% level for all 12 months of performance year or is a diamond bonus recipient who has achieved 20 FAA Points.
Crown Level & Recognition.
A Crown is a qualified Platinum who has sponsored 18 legs each at 21% level for at least 6 months during performance year or is receiving 22 FAA Diamond Bonus points.
Founder Crown Level & Recognition.*
A founder crown is a qualified platinum with 18 legs sponsored each at 21% performance level for all 12 months of performance year or is a Diamond earning 25 FAA bonus points.
Crown Ambassador Level & Recognition.
A Founder Crown (Also called CAM) is a qualified platinum who has sponsored 20 legs each at 21% level for at least 6 months of performance year Or a Diamond Bonus earner with 27 FAA Points.
Founder Crown Ambassador Level & Recognition.*
A Founder crown Ambassador is a qualified platinum who has 20 personal sponsored legs all at 21% level for all 12 months of performance year Or id a Diamond Bonus Earner with 30 FAA Points* NOTE : Volume equivalency is also applicable to these Founders levels.Amway already has such Pin Level Distributors around 80 operating countries globally world wide few like America (United States), Europe, Greater China, Japan Australia and Asia Region.


It is highly recommended to visit , for latest updated Information.

Amway Business International Sponsoring Rules

“All Amway business distributors have the opportunity to expand their business into other countries via international sponsoring where Amway Business is already operating, as well as into new markets upon their opening. Amway already operates in over 80 countries and territories which are available to you to sponsor people internationally..”
Amway has numerous new markets which are expected to open in the next few years. Additionally, Britt World Wide Ltd. is established and operating in many of these markets and will establish a presence in many of these future markets.
The procedures for International Sponsoring are relatively simple and the reward can be significant. International Sponsoring increases your potential, and helps friends and relatives overseas to take advantage of this great business.
General International Sponsoring rules
1. Review the international sponsoring rules section of the Amway Business Manual you received in your Amway Business Kit in order to understand international business building structures.
2. Check with Amway for an updated list of countries and territories in which Amway operates.
3. Find out which markets will open soon.
4. Make a list of everyone you know in any countries in which Amway is operating.
5. Contact your international prospects to check their interest. Consult your upline about how to best approach your international prospect.
6. Let them know that you have a business in India. Consider sending them any literature or tools recommended by your upline and approved by Amway, if available.
7. Once you have contacted your prospects and determined that they are interested, encourage them to contact the Britt Worldwide office or contact office in that country to make arrangements to see the sales and Marketing Plan. For a complete list of Britt Worldwide international office contact offices numbers, visit the Britt Worldwide web site at or
8. When your prospects see the plan, send a letter or e-mail of encouragement.
9. Supply your international contact with your name, distributor number, and name of your upline diamond. It is crucial to provide this information since it must go on your new distributor’s application. You may want to request that your new distributor provides you with his/her distributor number for your records.
10. Once your prospect is ready to start his/her business, the staffed Britt Worldwide office will assign a foster sponsor for your new distributor under your same line of sponsorship, if possible, or will personally foster sponsor your new distributor if it is a contact office. You will become the international sponsor.
11. Encourage them to follow the direction of their foster sponsor and upline in that country.
IMP NOTE: It is highly recommended to visit , for latest updated Information.

Britt World Wide Inc (BWW) – Britt System

“Britt World Wide System is a successful business organization also famously knows ‘Britt System’ is a company (BWW LLC) who empowers entrepreneurs and teaches them Business System to enhance there Business skills especially in Network Marketing Business..”
BWW helps the IBO’s (Independent Business Owners) in Multi-level marketing via its Successful system called Britt System via its tools and products like Books, Tapes, Seminars and Functions which are recorded during there famous network marketing seminars, Meetings with companies like Amway etc. Bill Britt and Peggy Britt are Crown Ambassadors in Amway Business and also founders of BWW LLC.
Britt has a global support system around the world in almost all the countries and is one of the biggest partners of Quixtar network marketing company. The Books, Tapes and Videos available with BWW has live success stories of IBO’s who achieved its Dreams and Goal already are on path of success. Britt uses this tools for new and old entrepreneurs, leadership in MLM companies.
Britt India and Amway India are a very good example of Successful Network Marketing and Support System with its power of duplication and learning system to build a successful business Network empowering people around the world in countries like Canada, UK, US, Mexico, Central America, Colombia, Brazil, Europe, Russia, Ukraine, Turkey, Argentina, South Africa, India, China, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Philippines, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia and New Zea land offices.
Specialty of Britt System is the way the whole training and mentoring process taken care for new IBO’s as well as the Leaders of the system. Below are some activities done by them which are equally followed around the world :
1. BWW Team Meeting.
2. BWW PASE Meetings (Not organized by BWW, But the system is followed).
3. BWW 4 basic steps for contact invite and business distribution start up.
4. BWW 9 core steps to be followed by every IBO.
5. BWW 3 cardinal rules & 3 Powers.
6. BWW Glossary and Terms

Bill Britt personally does and recommends the 3 cardinal rules, from which mostly talked and a universal principle is ‘Power Of Spoken Words’.
Official Website of Britt World Wide web support and details is and

What is Network Marketing Business All About

“Unleashed Income Earning Opportunities Of MLM Business in India and World Wide..Firstly, Let us know What is Network Marketing Business ? and how this marketing business is different from Other traditional Business.
Network marketing, which is also known as ‘Multi-level Marketing’ and ‘Direct Selling Business’ is a people business involved in  ‘Product Retail and Direct Distributors Activities with an additional benefits of building there own down line network after they sign up in any of network marketing business. These people are also known as ‘IBOs’ (Independent Business Owners) which are direct business associates  to the Product Company or the Franchiser company which provides products to market, basically famous in  ‘FMCG (Fast Moving Consumable Goods)’ products.
This IBO’s get this products in ‘DAP (Distributor’s Price)’, which they can sell in MRP to their consumers. This way Network Marketing Companies in India like ( Amway, Avon, HLL, Synergy, Nikken, Modicare and Usana (USA) etc) reaches the consumer which eliminated the middle channels like Whole Sellers, Retailers etc saving expenses, and few of same is distributed among their MLM members.
A business owner can expand its business almost in all states and also internationally to  earn potential royalty income once the business reaches some good position. Definitely one of the best plan to work from home and best home based business opportunity.
MLM Business Networking Opportunities
An IBO distributor here has an unlimited opportunity to increase the network business by getting more distributors in their own network and play a role called ‘Upline’. The new joinee’s are called ‘Downlines’  who are also a same member distributor directly to the Network marketing company. They can do all the activities which and Upline can. This way the business distributor (IBO) can introduce as many people in his network earning direct business commission from the Product Company. The more the people in downline network the more the product consumption in business generating more commission and retail profit income, which once reached some good level gives Royalty (One of the best passive income perk) as distributor enjoys. MLM Business is also sometimes been know as personal Franchising business as everyone has opportunity to introduce a new business distributor who becomes a personal franchisee to upline.
Business & Start Up Cost
MLM is also been famous as one of the high potential home based income earning sources because of the business model it uses. Any house wife or working women, men can start their own part time home business putting in just 12 to 15 hours per week and earn lucrative income if he/she follows the business system and mlm educational tools like mlm books, tapes and other such tools highly recommended for the growth of the business. One also need to attend Network Marketing Meetings, seminars and other functions which motivates and gives business information helping business growth. This way this businesses are one of the famous amoung common people which they can easily operate from home start in lowest cost.
Start up cost of most of the Network Marketing companies are very minimum. In India start up cost of Amway Business is just 995/- rupees, where as in USA and other countries the start up cost is similar low.
Business Activities
Network Marketing Business has vast opportunities doing less work without any restrictions and targets like any other 8 to 10 hours Jobs. An IBO needs to follow a fixed success system, educate one self and repeat same activities again and again which helps expand business and earn high business income. Some MLM activities are as follows :
MLM Four Basics
LIST BUILDING PROCESS : Writing names of all the people you know friends, relatives etc. Details of List Building.
CONTACT AND INVITE PROCESS : Getting people like yourself involved in seeing business plans, Checking interest for this home based business opportunity.
SHOW THE PLAN : This activity involves people to get see the MLM plan. Details on Network Marketing Plan.
FOLLOWUP & START UP :  Where the new business owner gives the start up cost, gets all details on business, products, system and starts on his own business. Details on MLM Follow Up Process.
Business Rules and Education System
Once a IBO is started, he/she needs to follow certain rules and business support system which includes learning and educating one self to show plans, selling products, being accountable, being teachable etc. This activities helps them grow business network and earn good income. MLM business is also famously known as business of DUPLICATION where one Learns, then Teaches and create his own downline, expanding business locally and internationally.

Network Marketing v/s Pyramid Schemes :
Till today lots of people don’t know the difference between the power of NETWORK and PYRAMID SCHEMES, scams and ponzi schemes that are cheating people around the world. Simple to understand, If a MLM business is not a scam, one needs to work little hard to gets its commission income and reach a level to earn royalty and passive income which is exponential in nature. A true network marketing company has some rules set, It has a good supporting education system. The best example of which is Amway business and Britt World Wide company (supporting educational system for entrepreneurs). A real direct selling business has some day to day activities like selling products, terms like DAP MRP margins, network commission, business levels etc. Ethical network businesses are approved by a legal identity in India  called ‘Indian Direct Selling Associations (IDSA)’. Other any business which do not have oneor any of such activities are Non-MLM companies and people need to be aware of such Ponzi Pyramid schemes.
MLM Products :
In the beginning most of the network marketing companies were into FMCG products, basically known as ” Fast Moving Consumable Goods” which includes products categories as Personal care products, Home care products, Health care products, Beauty Products. Since the growth, Demand and quality of MLM products increased, most of the MLM businesses have put there hands into almost all types of products like Life Insurance, Medical Insurance etc which now not limits any distribution segment and give distributors an unlimited potential to earn business commission.

3 Simple Steps – How Network Marketing Business Works -

“Below are 3 simple steps  to understand How actually network marketing business (MLM) works for an Individual.The concept of Network marketing is a unique and is very much different from the traditional way of doing business. It is not just any salesman job to begin with, one needs entrepreneur skill to grow the business and form a network of like minded successful people achieving same goals.” 

Network Marketing business is also very famously known as MLM (Multi Level Marketing) or Direct Selling business which involves only 3 things 1) Manufacturers of MLM products 2) Distributors network 3) Consumers or The buyers. Where as any Traditional business involves Others like Stockist, Whole sellers, Retailers. So how does Network Marketing works differently compared to Traditional business ?
Simple, Here the end Customer who uses the products of network marketing companies are themselves the distributors and promoters of the business. They simple join the business which generally starts within few $100 dollars, Starts consuming the products and also gets a new home based business opportunity to sell the same. This way the Sales, Promotion and marketing Work is done by the Distributor who is now called Prosumer instead of a Customer, where as the Production works is taken by the MLM company. So it becomes a home based business work to enjoy all products in Discounted rates being a distributor, Generally 20-30% discounts can be enjoyed on all the products being member of company.
Next is a business option for all distributors to enjoy commission’s working with network marketing company to increase there Distribution network by recommending and duplicating whatever he does to others and bring more like minded people in there network group to duplicate what ever he does. This way, More people will consume more products and every one gets some fixed commission on entire sales volume.The whole process is called LEARN, TEACH And DUPLICATE (LTD).
Step 1. Learn the MLM business.
This is a learning and very basic step to know how network marketing works by being a student of the business and following the MLM system. Work involves by Purchasing and consuming business products and then recommending and selling the same to friends and relatives earning retail profits of about 20% on MRP of the products. Next one needs to attend business meetings which are generally weekly/monthly and learn business skills by listening to leaders of business via Books, Tapes and various business functions. Best example is by understanding how Amway business works. They follow the Britt World Wide System which has 4 basics steps, 9 core steps and 3 cardinal rules.
Next comes the MLM plan showing, Like Amway Marketing Plan one needs to explain in details to other friends and relatives how this business works, What are Retailing benefits, What is Commission structure and Royalty Income. A very important Work of Distributor in MLM business is to bring out the Dreams of people during session and show how Time, Money and Securing is gained in business.
Step 2. Teach your Downline Network
Once you have sharpen your MLM skills, next step is to teach all that skill’s to your down line network and new distributors/members in the business. One needs to Mentor there group properly motivating and showing the leadership examples by following all ethics and rules himself.
Step 3. Duplicate the Network Building Process
Once step 1 & 2 are taken care the process of duplication begins as the new distributor will start doing all the steps and bringing more people in the network and the cycles gets repeated again and again creating ongoing income.
Working with any Network Marketing company needs consistency and persistence following basics and doing the same again and again till you reach your goal. Its a simple business of duplication.
3 Simple Steps – How Network Marketing Business Works - See more at:

Britts 9 Core Steps – BWW | Britt System 9 steps

“Britt World Wide (BWW LLC) in India promotes its business strategies to Amway Distributors in a system famously known as Britt System. Bww & Amway are two major business powers heading for a common goal to expand the people network, where BWW’s 9 core steps and other business promotional material like Books, Tapes and Meetings(Functions & Seminars) play a vital role in Amway Distributors business and personal life too..”

On the other hand Amway being a product company promotes its quality products in the business plan call 9-6-3 Amway plan.
The growth of both the business are high because of the core values and system that is commonly used by all the distributors in BWW system. Using the same Amway 9 core steps, Amway 4 basics and 3 powers of proven Britt system the process of growth and building human network is faster. Lets looks at all this core steps in depth.
BWW system has nine core steps, 3 powers and 4 basic business rules to be followed. This has been made by Mr. Bill Britt, founder of the Britt system after lots of self and till day business experience and are the steps which can be used in almost all the business strategies.
Step 1.
Books (Read Bww recommended books daily for at least half and hour)
Amazing knowledge is gained by one reading the books written by people already successful in the field of Network Marketing and MLM business. Books created and changes peoples attitude and thoughts towards life, it motivates and gives a depth knowledge about what you reading.
Step 2.
Tapes (Listen to Bww recommended tapes, multiple times, daily once in morning)
This are the Bww business and rally tapes by Bww & Amway leaders like Kumar Sivaraman, Sugeet, Kanti and Lata Gala from united states and also from leaders in India who are already successful in the business. As this is a business of duplication one can imitate exactly what a leader have done and ignore some mistakes. This way learning process improves. Business highly recommends to subscribe to SOT, means (Standing order Tapes) where monthly tapes are provided to IBO’s at some fixed charges.
Step 3.
Functions & Meetings
( Attend Britt meetings, Monthly Seminars, FED (Free Enterprise Day) and PASE meetings regularly). Britt India has lots of Weekly and Monthly meetings in almost all the states of India, The weekly meetings is known as Open Meeting, BWW functions are once in 2 months called Seminars where Leaders at Emerald and Diamond levels teachings and talks about the success stories in Amway business. Where as FED is a day of free enterprise for IBO’s where recognitions for new Diamonds happens which proceeds with there Amway success stories, hurdles and how they did it. Whole Ground, Stadium roars together with words like Fireup, Freedom with Rocky Music. Its a celebration day for new diamonds in Bww system and a learning and motivating day for distributors.
( STEPS 1, 2 & 3 are called personality and attitude building steps)
Step 4.
STP (Show the Plan)
where new and old business leaders are recommended to Show the Amway business plans at least 5 day in a week. One can show the business plan more also but the system recommends minimum 5 plans to get the proper success rate in business.
Step 5.
Use the Products
Before recommending some products to someone it is recommended by Britt system to consume the products by distributors themselves as this brings faith in the products and also increase the PV and business sales volume.
Step 6.
Generate Sales
Best business is one with best sales volume and so every IBO is been recommended to do a personal PV of 100 to 300 per month via selling and recommending it to friends and relatives who already are using and wants to. This way the individual sales volume in the network grows and everyone gets benefited of the commission till the top, including the person who sales.
(Step 4,5 & 6 are the Action steps in the business that actually generates the sales, business volume and commissions)

Step 7.

Be Teachable
( Whoever you are, From whatever job, business or profession you can to the Network Marketing business, the rules of doing MLM business is different and every one needs to learn the same steps again and again to successfully copycat marketing business and be with the leaders). If you are not teachable you cannot survive in any business you started. Every day some new things has to be learned to grow. And as MLM business is of copycatting one has to follow the simple rules of duplication being in the business.
Step 8.
Be Accountable
Network Marketing business is a People and Money business. There are very good changes that people mess up with other people money, they can forget to give back the lending money etc. Also a very important Accountable factor is Time, Respect others time for you to get the same. You have to be accountable to your responsibilities like do cash business, don’t ask for time period to pay back, keep the transactions clear. Your upline is there to help, but finally its your own business so never take advantages of same. Just ask yourself one thing : Can you do the same in any other business or shop you want to purchase the goods you want ?
Step 9.
This is the new step introduces in BWW system in last 2 to 3 years, Before this there were only 8 core steps in business. Communication gap works as a BUG in any business which reduces the business output. So britt world wide has newly introduced this step where all the Distributors/IBO’s has to be in touch with there Uplines and should not do anything beyond the recommended system without asking and confirming with there uplines.